We're back from summer break... the ever popular and often full house, monthly story-telling... local West End stories, listen, share, enjoy... Tales From the West End
JBean Coffee Shop, 1209 Bidwell St., (Bidwell & Davie)Tuesday, September 19, Story telling from 6:30-7:30
Admission: Free, Complimentary coffee and tea thanks to JJBean "Tales From the West End” is an evening of story-telling where we explore and experience our community through stories about our common past.
September’s featured storyteller is editor and publisher of The West End Journal Kevin Dale McKeown, debunking a popular myth about the naming of Davie Street.
Bring your own stories and photos to share with your neighbours.
Thanks to our community sponsors JJBean Cafe, WE Arts, Heritage Vancouver & The </span>West End Journal</strong></div>