WE Arts is in the final stages of planning our Annual General Meeting. Stay tuned, sign up for our newsletter, or request email notification as detailed here. As a registered non-profit organization, WE Arts, the West End Arts Society, is pleased to hold our Annual General Meeting. Monday November 20th from 6.30pm to 8.00pm</strong> <strong>Location 1181 Lounge, at 1181 Davie St, close to Bute St, in Vancouver's West End. Please contact Daniela at info@WEArts.ca with any questions regarding this key event and meeting. All members of the public are welcome to attend the meeting. However only active members are eligible to vote or stand for election to the board. It is possible to sign up for membership on the evening at the AGM. The current board will present; the past year key results, the current financials, and the plan for the year ahead. We do hope you will join us. WE Arts appreciates continued partnerships with: City of Vancouver Cultural Services, The West End Business Improvement Association, Gordon Neighbourhood House, Minuteman Press Downtown.